Tuesday, April 26, 2011



2010 -11APGENCO added 797MW during 2010-11

KTPP Stage-I-500 MW, RTPP Stage-III-210MW, KTPS Stage-VI-500MW were Synchronised with AP Grid.

Unit-4 & 5of Priyadarshini Jurala HEP- 2X39MW, Unit-4 of Pochampad HES-9MW were Synchronised with AP Grid.

APGENCO has achieved highest annual generation of 37317 MU during 2010-11.

APGENCO Thermal power stations have achieved highest annual generation of 29446 MU during 2010-11.
APGENCO has achieved highest monthly generation of 3870 MU during March 2011


APGENCO Thermal power stations have achieved highest monthly generation of 3101 MU during March 2011.
APGENCO Hydel power stations have achieved highest monthly generation of 1854 MU during September 2010.

APGENCO has achieved highest daily generation of 143.7 MU on 04.10.2010
APGENCO Thermal power stations have achieved the highest daily generation of 107.2MU on 15.02.2011.
APGENCO Thermal power stations have achieved 79.5% PLF against All India Average PLF of 74.3%.

APGENCO contribution to AP Power Grid is 44%

Results of written examination held for Trainee Sub-Engineer(Electrical, Mechanical, Electronics & Civil)